Close the Loop
Close the Loop refers to completing the Arkansas River Trail in a safe and useable manner between Gill Street and North Street in Little Rock. This section, currently running in front of Dillard's Headquarters, The 1836 Club, and the Dillard's Data Center is made of of a narrow sidewalk with multiple entrance/exit crossings. It is dangerous and not designed for Alternative Transportation. Find out more, including maps, at the links below.
There is also a video at the bottom of this page highlighting this section of the Arkansas River Trail.
Attend An Upcoming City Ward Meeting
Here is your chance to meet with the city leadership on a critical issue to Closing the Loop. The city will be holding ward meetings throughout the month of May to propose a new sales tax. It is up to us as citizens to let our leadership know how we would like that money spent.
We are asking that you attend your ward meeting and make sure that your Ward Director, the Mayor, and City Staff know that Closing the Loop of the Arkansas River Trail is important to you.
You can find your Ward Number by going to this webpage and searching using your address.
If it is not listed in the presentation, make sure to ask about it during the appropriate time in the meeting. Be the squeaky wheel.
The meetings are listed in order of date and link to the city's Facebook page. Also, if you haven't sent a letter yet, go to the section below to get that taken care of. Thank You.

Thurs, May 2, 6 PM
Trinity Presbyterian Church
4501 Rahling Rd
Thurs, May 9, 6 PM
Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church
Mon, May 13, 6 PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Littel Rock
Wed, May 15, 6 PM
Southwest Community Center Baseline Road
Thurs, May 16, 6 PM
Dunbar Community Center
Mon, May 20, 6 PM
Centre at University Park
Thurs, May 30, 6 PM
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
Letter/Email Campaign to encourage city leadership to Close the Loop.
The City of Little Rock Public Works Department is currently working with an engineering firm to create new options for completing this section of the Arkansas River Trail. They hope to have final designs later this Summer.
In the meantime, Bicycle Advocacy of Central Arkansas (BCA) believes it would be best to be proactive and contact the mayor and city ward directors to elicit support for a plan from the city once BACA endorses it.
We have ways you can help below. Please take a few moments of your time to help us address this issue with the City of Little Rock.
How You Can Help Close the Loop
We are hoping you will assist us in making the Arkansas River Trail a safe and attractive active transportation corridor. We need you to send 5 emails. That sounds like a lot but We've already written them for you.
Each of the links below takes you to a different letter with easy instructions to copy and send. Please do all 5. It's important for the entire city board to know that this is a priority project for the citizens and businesses of Little Rock. Yes, we also encourage business owners to send letters to the city board.
One goes to the Mayor, one goes to each of the 3 At-Large Ward Directors, and one goes to your Ward Director. There is a tool for looking up your Ward Director below.
If you don't live in Little Rock you can skip the "your Ward Director" portion. (you don't have one).
If you have questions about the process, please contact us at bicycleadvocacypresident@gmail.com